Nov 28th, 2023

I am speechless and had no intention of doing an update today. A wonderful article on what we are doing here, what you’ve helped us do by playing a MAJOR role, just hit my inbox. I truly am speechless at just how beautifully they captured my vision and what I set out to do for Layla and the now approaching 100 kids I’ve helped since January. The article is below and today is giving Tuesday. If you do one thing, give to Layla today. She’s earned it, and enjoy the article. This is what you’ve done.

Thank you as always and btw, look at the Christmas tree she picked out on Saturday! I have no idea how the heck we got it home, let alone got it up! If you are in the Encinitas / Carlsbad area, get yours at Maldonado Farms at 6595 Black Rail Road in Carlsbad. Tell them Layla sent you, they are awesome people.

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