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Cancer revengers fleece superhero blanket spread out on a couch
All trucker hats, red and blue baseball caps and beanies compiled in one photo

Layla Updates

A historic moment

Nov 30th, 2023 This is a historic moment. The pediatric cancer paradigm shift is upon us. Layla became a world first today, having her fresh brain cancer tissue type tested...

I am speechless

Nov 28th, 2023 I am speechless and had no intention of doing an update today. A wonderful article on what we are doing here, what you’ve helped us do by...

Give it up for Layla

Nov 24th, 2023 Give it up for Layla folks, and real quick, we're running a "site wide all items" 50% off sale at www.cancerrevengers.com. Layla just finished a little something...

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